TWD – White Chocolate Brownies

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If the name alone doesn’t intrigue you, then you are dead to me. Ok, maybe that’s a bit drastic. But a WHITE chocolate brownie? COME ON!!

I am a bit guilty of tweaking this recipe almost to the point of being unrecognizable. I read that the meringue just slides off so I opted out of it. I upped the orange zest (because who zests half of a huge orange, really?) I didn’t have want to pay $2.50 for a tiny carton of not so fresh looking raspberries so I used raspberry marmalade instead.
After the batter was in the pan, I heated up a bit of jam with a splash of water and stirred until combined. Then I spooned lines over the batter. Which didn’t matter. One. Bit. Because it sunk to the bottom.

But an easy flip of the brownie and you have beautiful, almost marble-like raspberry swirls atop the brownie.

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I also baked a full recipe in an 8×8 pan. By accident. I had settled on baking half the recipe (foiled and buttered the 8×8 before anything else) then remembered a friend whom I thought would love these, so I settled on making the full recipe and shipping off half with her. But, once I pulled it out of the oven I noticed my absent-minded mistake. Doh!! So I ended up with thicker brownies. No complaints here!! This also explains why it took 15 extra minutes to bake!

As far as taste goes, I am a bit disappointed about the flavor because I expected the star of the show to be the white chocolate. To my taste buds, it’s the orange zest. Don’t get me wrong, these babies are dangerous!! They are a moist, delicious, dense, thick cake-like brownie.

As I approached the kitchen area at work all I heard were “Mmmm’s” so I think its pretty safe to say that they were a hit.

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Thank you to Marthe of Culinary Delights for choosing this recipe! You can find the recipe here on her blog. You’ll want it 😉

And check out all the other TWD bakers who baked along!

Up next week: Tender Shortcakes. Sooo ready for this one!!

9 thoughts on “TWD – White Chocolate Brownies

  1. Well, this version certainly looks lovely…so pretty in color for sure! Lol on your tweaking…I didn’t tweak and had a soggy mess…it must be me as I am sure it is not Dorie’s fault. Maybe my raspberries were too juicy…I picked the biggest, plumpest, juiciest raspberries I could find. Might not have been such a good idea.

  2. Wow, love your version of these guys! They look so yummy with the raspberry marmalade! I refused to pay for the not so delicious looking raspberries too so I went with frozen blueberries. I couldn’t really detect the white chocolate either, the zest was the star of mine too.

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